Don't Miss the Spring

   Too easily we take for granted the gift of each new day. When spring is in the air, the beauty of nature gets our attention with its promise of new life, “for now the winter is past, the rain is over and gone” (Song of Solomon 2:11).  Daffodils and tulips emerge from the earth, trees seem to burst into full leaf almost overnight. With every sight and signal that spring is here, we see evidence of the steadfast love and faithfulness of God.

   From the day my husband received a terminal diagnosis early in April one year, I was oblivious to almost everything happening in life except the dire dailiness of an unwinnable race against death. A few months after he died, an acquaintance asked me about some event that happened during the three months of his illness. Without much thought, I answered, “Oh, I missed the spring that year.” In truth, I have little recollection of anything during that time except my inner struggle to reconcile my faith with the certainty of a bleak medical reality. 

   When we experience a loss of control in our life because of events and circumstances we never imagined or expected, we fear the unknown future. Yet in unfamiliar, liminal times of waiting there is space for reflection and introspection. During the Lenten season, we wait and listen for what God has to say to us about death and grief and new life. We read and meditate to enrich our soul. We explore who we are and what we value. We seek the comfort and direction of the Holy Spirit. We pray in ways beyond ourself to experience new, unexpected dimensions of God that direct and enlarge our faith.

   Despite all the trials and tests of life, when at last the worst is over, much like the return of spring each year, life begins to move forward again, often in new, unexpected ways, more beautiful than ever before, “I will give you your rains in their season, and the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit” (Leviticus 26:4). 

   Wherever you are in your life, wherever you are in your grief, the promise of spring is about hope and new life. During the journey of Lent, the grace of God leads us from sadness to sorrow to triumphant joy. Don’t miss the spring.

He changes times and seasons….he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.
Daniel 2:21






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