Assurance: Day 2

“You’re blessed when you’re at the end of your rope. With less of you there is more of God and his rule.”
Matthew 5:3 The Message


Sometimes the word blessed is translated as “happy.” Blessed is a state of inner joy and peace with a “soul happiness” that transcends the world. Christ’s assurance of being blessed is the divine reward for perseverance through the trials of life. Grief is perhaps the greatest test of spiritual character that you will ever encounter. You know what it feels like to be at the end of your rope. The assurance is that when you are humbled by your own limitations, the resources of God are inexhaustible.


God, when I come to the end of my rope, you teach me to tie a knot and hang on. May there be less of me and more of you in my daily walk toward the end of grief. Amen.


Blessed is a spiritual state; it is an attitude of grace.