Reconstruction: Day 1

Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.
Psalm 127:1 NRSV


A contractor or building design specialist likely would agree that it is easier to build a new structure than remodel an old one. Buildings usually decline into functional obsolescence after a period of use if not updated or modernized to current standards. Construction teems with positive energy. The smell of fresh sawdust suggests the promise of a completed project, sparkling and new at the end. Reconstruction acknowledges the existence of something worth salvaging. It carefully honors the remaining life within a structure, regardless of its condition. In grief, that structure is your very life.


God, I have struggled through grief to rebuild my life. Yet often my labor is in vain when I quest after that which is not of your creation. I pray that you will rebuild my life according to your plan. Amen.


I will begin the reconstruction of my life today.